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reflejo 18.10.2005 22:49 | 2399 views
Bronze Monument of Chuvash Educator Yakovlev in Ulyanovsk
The contest of monuments to the Chuvash educator Ivan Yakovlev held in Ulyanovsk, Russia is over. The winner is a sculptor from Chuvashia Vladimir Nagornov. According to Tatyana Tarasova, the main architect of Ulyanovsk, the work of Nagornov will be placed in the Kolyuchiy Sadik (Prickly Garden), which near the medical faculty Ulyanovsk State University. The garden, the name changed to Square of Ivan Yakovlev, will be equipped with modern conveniences: asphalt, lanterns, a fountain and a cafe.
Source: AiF-Chuvashia


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