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Accidents: Pensioner Charged for Repost on Social Media

Šyravşă 07.04.2016 11:19 | 5022 views

Russia’s Investigative Committee has charged Nikolai Egorov, 62, a resident of Chuvashia, with incitement of national hatred by reposting an open letter of publicist Boris Stomakhin in Russian social network Vkontakte. The crime goes back to May 8, 2014. The abovementioned post had been declared extremist - however it is freely accessible on the Internet, its author remains imprisoned for his political views.

Egorov contended that no online publications had been made by him and attributed the access to the publication from his page to his incompetence in Internet specifics, said his attorney.

#social network, #prisoner of conscience, #inciting national hatred, #pensioner



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