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Health Care: Chuvash Grandmother Finds Cure for Her Grandson

Šyravşă 07.04.2016 11:40 | 5507 views
Health Care

An article in the Jerusalem Post tells the story of a feisty woman who despite being just a cleaning lady finds a way to get a healing treatment for Kirill, who would otherwise have "died a regretfully terrible death".

Osteopetrosis is a condition which makes pourous parts of bones turn solid and is otherwise known as Marble Bone Disease. It is common to Chuvashia where out of 4000 newborns one is born with the condition. There is no treatment for this disease in Russia, but in Israel.

Here is the link to the article:

The Human Spirit: Osteopetrosis and our little Israel

#israel, #chuvashia, #health



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