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Кто долго раздумывает, не всегда находит лучшее решение.(И. Гете)



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WelcomeWedding partyUNIT TWO (CV Manual, Grammar)
UNIT TWO (CV Manual, Grammar)UNIT TWELVE (CV Manual, Grammar)UNIT THREE (CV Manual, Grammar)
UNIT THIRTEEN (CV Manual, Grammar)UNIT TEN (CV Manual, Grammar)UNIT SIXTEEN (CV Manual, Grammar)
UNIT SIX (CV Manual, Grammar)UNIT SEVEN (CV Manual, Grammar)UNIT ONE (CV Manual, Grammar)
UNIT ONEUNIT NINE (CV Manual, Grammar)UNIT NINE (CV Manual, Grammar)
UNIT FOURTEEN (CV Manual, Grammar)UNIT FOUR (CV Manual, Grammar)UNIT FOUR (CV Manual, Grammar)
UNIT FIVE (CV Manual, Grammar)UNIT FIFTEEN (CV Manual, Grammar)UNIT ELEVEN (CV Manual, Grammar)
UNIT EIGHT (CV Manual, Grammar)Two wedding partiesTuktash
TuhjaTraditionsTraditional Chăvash Clothes
Towns of ChuvashiaTimuhha HvedereThree Sons (CV Manual, Reader)
Theoretical Basis of the Analysis (CV Manual, Grammar)Theoretical Basis of the AnalysisThe father and the mother
The crime of NarspiThe Literature on Non-Christian Chuvash NamesThe Literature on "Non-Christian Chuvash names"
The Literature onTantăshSӑvar
Suicide on the Volga River: A Tale of Two RepublicsSpeech SoundsShumerlja / Çĕmĕrle
SYNTAX (CV Manual, Grammar)ReligionQuotes about Chuvash
PressPeoplePHONOLOGY (CV Manual)
PHONOLOGY (CV Manual)On Chuvash StressNon-christian Chuvash Names
Non-Christian Chuvash Names VNon-Christian Chuvash Names JNon-Christian Chuvash Names A
National Clothes GlossaryNational AnthemNational Anthem
NarspiMenuMariinskoposadskiy / Sĕntĕrvărri
Mariinskiy Posad / SĕntĕrvărriLiteratureList of Chuvash Writers and Poets - Ş-Cap
LinksLegendary Peolpe of ChuvashiaLebedev
KanashIn the village of SilbiIn the forest
In SilbiIn KhushalkaImage:world-with-chuvashiaa1.jpg
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