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Diaspora: Chuvash Culture and Information Center Opens in Moscow

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Šyravşă 20.04.2015 16:29 | 5569 views

On April 24, a day before the Chuvash Writing day, Chuvash culture and information center will open its doors in Russian Federation President's Plenipotentiary Representative Body of Chuvash Republic.

What are the objectives of the Chuvash Culture and Information Center? The primary mission is the preservation and development if Chuvash national traditions in collaboration with other Chuvash national and cultural associations.

In the Chuvash Culture and Information visitors may learn Chuvash language, songs and dances. It is also a place where one can find book about Chuvashia and Chuvash Republic periodicals including local ones.

The Address is:

Moscow, Bolshaya Ordynka Street, 46.

The opening ceremony is at 6 pm.

#Moscow, #Chuvash language, #resource



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