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Sports: Chuvash Sportswoman Irina Kalentieva first in Switzerland

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Šyravşă 29.06.2015 08:50 | 6732 views
Sports Irina Kalentieva
Irina Kalentieva

On June 21 cross country biker Irina Kalentieva won 30 points to her UCI rating by winning another international race, this time Argovia Geax-Fischer Bike Cup in Lostorf, Switzerland.

Irina finished first Women Elite group with the time result of 01:25:11 leaving closest competitors 8-9 minutes behind.

Irina, 33, also won in another C2 class biking event - BMC Racing Cup in Yverdon, Switzerland on June 28 with the result 01:30:55.

#racing, #bike



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