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City Life: Girlfriend Spray Paints Marry Me on Boyfriends Car

Šyravşă 20.05.2016 20:42 | 6632 views
City Life

Here is a snippet of a lovely article about Cheboksary in the UK’s Daily Mail:

"A loved-up girlfriend showed her affection for her boyfriend by covering his car with graffiti saying: 'Marry me!'

Pedestrians stopped to take photos of the white car, which was spotted covered with some very fetching pink spray-paint in the city centre of Cheboksary in central Russia's Chuvash Republic.

A large gleaming pink heart dominated the car bonnet while even the wing mirrors were given a flesh lick of sassy pink."

Read more and see more images: here

#prank., #girlfriend, #Cheboksary, #wedding



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