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Accidents: Chuvash Religion Site Vandalised

Ку хыпарпа эсир ҫавӑн пекех Чӑвашла паллашма пултаратӑрYou can also read this news in English
Šyravşă 29.06.2016 14:14 | 11347 views

A few days ago a wooden pillar erected near Cheboksary's Kanash road was vandalised. They tried to topple the pillar and chop it up by axes. Luckily the vandals failed to finish their act - they were either tired or scared away.

Hӗvetӗr Madurov told the crime was committed by vandals recently, he had been told by people who work nearby that the pole was fine.

The pillar has been attacked a few other times already. Somebody tried to cut it with axe, dig it out, etc.

Hӗvetӗr Madurov has reported the act of candalism to the police and hopes to learn who did this unlawful act.

Hӗvetӗr Madurov is the author of the sculpture. The pillar was erected for ceremonies and rituals of Inem (traditional faith organization Tura), which is associated with Chuvash neopaganism and irreligion.

#Algeshevo, #pillar, #vandalism, #pagan



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