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News: pagan


Chuvash Religion Site Vandalised
 Šyravşă | 29.06.2016 14:14 |


A few days ago a wooden pillar erected near Cheboksary's Kanash road was vandalised. They tried to topple the pillar and chop it up by axes. Luckily the vandals failed to finish their act - they were either tired or scared away.

Hӗvetӗr Madurov told the crime was committed by vandals recently, he had been told by people who work nearby that the pole was fine.

The pillar has been attacked a few other times already. Somebody tried to cut it with axe, dig it out, etc.

Hӗvetӗr Madurov has reported the act of candalism to the police and hopes to learn who did this unlawful act.

Hӗvetӗr Madurov is the author of the sculpture. The pillar was erected for ceremonies and rituals of Inem (traditional faith organization Tura), which is associated with Chuvash neopaganism and irreligion.



Sword of Tengri Makes a Second Cut
 Šyravşă | 16.04.2016 15:03 |


A new book is published by Chuvash Book Publishing House. It's a second book of a fantasy novel by Vladimir Stepanov called The Sword of Tengri. The first book enjoyed spotlight among books written in the quite popular genre which blends plots and themes of folktales, mythology and legends and borders with science fiction.

The book introduces a special ethnic Chuvash flavor to the fantastic category and identifies itself as ethofantasy.

The plot is based on the universal struggle of good versus bad. The protagonists are Ruslan Murovets and Hӑva (Willow*) who come to join the cosmic battle taking place in different time and place dimensions.

The novel takes you to the time when the Hunnic alliance - ancient ancestors of the Chuvash - has just been formed in the steppes of Central Asia.

The official presentations and signing will take place in the National Library (Cheboksary, Lenina 15) at 3 pm. on April 19.

* It is also worth mentioning that the actual recorded Chuvash name Hӑva is derivative of biblical Eve



Sӑvar Fund Celebrates Şӑvarni
 Šyravşă | 10.03.2016 12:03 |

Events Jupa pole on the left, activists holding a Suvar foundation flag
Jupa pole on the left, activists holding a Suvar foundation flag

In cafe Şӑlkuş, which is in the same building with Chuvash National Congress in Cheboksary activists of Sӑvar celebrated Chuvash traditional holiday of Şӑvarni (coincides with the Russaian Maslenitsa carnival).

The meeting began with the veneration of ancestors near a jupa (wooden pole) installed in the Cheboksary Arbat. Bread was broken and prayers were read. Then the assembly proceeded into the cafe where before the feast Alran Kaimi hymn was sung.

The gathered discussed the current problems of Chuvashity such as the effects of the removal of the word "State" from the republic's constitutional law.


Şӑvarni [Shuh-var-NEE] is an ancient pagan Sun-adoration festivity preceding the Mӑnkun festival (source:



Annual Celebration of Bravery
 Šyravşă | 11.08.2015 18:53 |

Events Folk Religion priest Fedor Madurov at the Pole
Folk Religion priest Fedor Madurov at the Pole

It has become an annual custom for Chuvash activists and followers of Chuvash folk religion to assemble at a pole installed near Alkesh, suburb of Cheboksary. The occasion is the memorial of a battle that happened 792 years ago. A sacrificial ritual was performed in memory of brave ancestors who defeated the Mongol army in the Battle of Samara Bend and relieved Europe of clashes with the Tatar-Mongol army for the consequent 16 years.

After the victory over joint Kievan, Galician-Volhynian, Chernigov, Smolensk and Cuman troops at the Kalka River, the unbeatable Tatar-Mongol army headed north, but were defeated in an ambush by the Volga Bulgar army led by King Chelbir. The number of Mongol captives is estimated at 4000. This was the first time the Mongol Empire suffered a significant setback and near escape for Commander Subutai.

The captives were exchanged for sheep, one for each soldier, and that's where the name Sheep Battle comes from.

After the ritual of lamb sacrifice a local folklore ensemble performed and the guests gathered for festival soup shurpe.

See Gallery (104)





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