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News: professor

Culture The Original Hypar
The Original Hypar

The main Chuvash newspaper Hypar (The News) celebrated its 110th anniversary on January 21.

The founding of Chuvash journalism is attributed to this periodical which was started by Professor Nikolai Nikolskii in 1906 in Kazan. He worded the mission statement: «Learnt be the good from newspaper".

The organization went through many turmoils, it was even shut down in 1918. Later it was reorganized to serve the communist party purposes. The main newspaper in Chuvash continued to be Kanash (Advice, Russ. Soviet), Cӑvaš Kommuni (Chuvash Commune), and Kommunism Jalavӗ (Banner of Communism). After the desolution of communism in Russia in the 90s, the message of the founding "patriarch" Nikolskii persisted and the editorial board restored the original name. The editor-of-chief of today's Hypar is Mihail Arlanov. The newspaper is Chuvashia's principal state-funded news source in the Chuvash language.





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