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Гений - это бессмертный вариант простого человека.(С. Довлатов)


News: Yakovlev


Materials about the great Chuvash enlightener, the founder of modern Chuvash orthography and bilingual education, honorable member of British and Foreign Bible Society, will be included in the coming edition of the standard 8th grade textbook 'The History of Russia. XIX Century'. Schoolchildren across Russia will have the Testament to the Chuvash Nation as their homework, as announced on the website of the Plenipotentiary of Chuvash Republic to the President of Russian Federation.

The agreement about the matter was reached at the assembly of the plenipotentiary Leonid Volkov with one of the authors of the book, PhD in Pedagogics Professor Gergiy Goghiberidze.

During the discussion which included topics of Chuvash history and culture, the development of pedagogical sciences in Chuvashia, the scientist remarked that being an expert of Rosobrnadzor (Russian Education Supervision Services), he is very well familiar with the educational system and the high levels of quality of instruction in Chuvashia. He underlined his utter respect for the scientific and spiritual heritage of Gennadiy Volkov, the founder of the concept of ethnopedagogics.

Georgiy Goghibidze gave special attention to the work of Ivan Yakovlevich Yakovlev in the sphere of enlightenment. He agreed that the Testament to the Chuvash Nation authored by Yakovlev deserves to enter the school curriculum.



The Council of Chuvash Autonomy of Krasnoiarsk Krai of Russia has prepared to celebrate April 25 - The Chuvash Language Day (Christian Missioner and Teacher Ivan Yakovlev's birthday anniversary).

Among other events a conference will be held in commemoration of the date, a public lesson of Chuvash will be given, and a big concert of Chuvash pop stars will take place.

The conference will be devoted to topics of language and culture preservation in Krasnoyarsk, 3rd great assembly of the Council and celebratory events of the 25th anniversary if the autonomy will also be discussed.

Address: Krasnoyarsk, Prospekt Mettallurgov, 22.





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