A Ă B C D E Ě F G H I J K L M N O P R S Ş T U Ü V Y Z Ă ăn reason, understanding, memorj;
ănla(n) to understand, perceive;
ănlanmalla distinctly, clearly
ănlantar to make understand, to explain
ănsa pyr to succed
ănsărtran unexpectedly
ăs to draw, tap (water, etc.)
ăsat to accompany
ăşta where;
ăştan whence, from where
ăsh postpositlon: the interior, inner, inside
ăshă warm; ăšăn- to heat, to warm; ăšăt- to heat, to warm
ăshăk shallow, shallowness
ăvăs aspen, aspen tree
ăjăr stallion
yjăh) sleep
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Last edited by: reflejo, 2006-01-24 10:19:00. Views 9611.